Mad Skillz
I have been out in this big, bad world for only five-ish weeks and I’m already developing some pretty awesome skills, IIDSSM.
For one, I slept a six hour stretch! Mama was verrrry happy about this. It just took five hours of cluster feeding to get it, but hey— what do they expect from me, right? I’m only 5.5 weeks old. I got a full tummy and slept like a champ. Often, I’m doing some pretty good 4-5 hour stretches at night. You’re welcome.
I’m also SMILING. Oh yes. I’m quite charming when I do. Heart-melter. You can see in the images below me working on my smile style. I especially like to smile at Mama when I wake up from a nap in those sacred five minutes before I start demanding to be fed. (Because most of the time: FEED ME). My smiling makes my mama feel like the hours of breastfeeding is worth it. Biology has a plan.
My other favored skill is projectile pooping. I won’t go into too much detail, but suffice to say I’m keeping my papa on his toes at diaper-changing time.
Lastly, I’m growing. That’s my main job these days, and I must say I’m doing an excellent execution of it. Went to my new pediatrician yesterday in our small southwestern French town, and I clocked in at 3.7kg (over 8lbs! I started off at 6.5lbs). I’m still quite petite but Mama likes to pinch me and call me ‘chubs’. Oh, Mama… (eye roll)
A bientôt,
~Mlle Mirabelle