Sensuality of Motherhood
Sensuality Afterwards
(Simple stage lights, preset basic, or simple spotlight if easy, bump on and off at end)
With one hand stroking the voluptuous curve of my right breast, and the other hand grabbing at my left, she looks up at me, adoringly. Haaaaah, she sighs, and then tongues my nipple while staring into my eyes, and smiles. (Gesture)
Oh, baby.
I’m relaxed, or relaxing, or trying to relax. I know it’ll all work out better if I do. Even though she’s so beautiful to look at and I love making eyes with her, I gently tell her to focus. “Focus, honey, focus. Let’s just focus on eating” Slowly with a sigh, my infant daughter returns to breastfeeding (gesture). (BEAT)
What did you think I was talking about?
Look: Celebs are redefining pregnancy as sexy - (aside) did you see the Rihanna photoshoot? Hot.
And the term “MILF” (Moms I’d Like to F*ck, you know, like the Fergie song) is common slang. It is a blessing and a curse to any woman wanting to reclaim her sexual appeal after motherhood - blessing: (valley girl voice) “just ‘cause I’m a mom doesn’t mean I can’t be sexy”. Curse: (inhaling, dropping robe or taking a sexy stance) this (gesturing to body, exhaling, slumping) doesn’t look like Fergie after growing and then pushing a watermelon out of my vagina. Is it supposed to?
But no one talks about the intimate sensuality that unfolds in the early weeks and months of mothering.
It’s a biological imperative that the groaning of an orgasm turns into the groaning of labor turn into the groaning of the new mother when her infant cries for milk at 3am.
Oh, baby, indeed.
It’s weirdly but utterly connected: To stimulate the female nipple is to release oxytocin, the bonding hormone that triggers a series of physiological and psychological responses in all three contexts of sex, labor and lactation:
Oxytocin is responsible for sexual arousal and orgasm during sex.
It aids in the softening of the cervix for fertilization of the egg.
It stimulates uterine contractions during labor and childbirth
And breast tissue contractions in lactation, which make the let-down of milk possible.
And is key to establishing and maintaining social bonds, including friendships, romantic attachment and parent-infant bonding.
So these days I get my oxytocin hit not from connecting with my lover in the sack (aside) nothing like sleep deprivation and spit up in your hair to kill the mood - but now it comes from connecting with a peewee munchkin with utterly kissable squirrel cheeks. The breasts that were once so private and reserved for something special now flop out in front of strangers to nourish my little nugget.
The only action my knockers are getting these days is from my breast pump. (BEAT.)
Sensual satisfaction doesn’t have to be sexual. It can come from the hug of a friend, or the nuzzle of an infant. Or the simple awareness of air on our skin. Take a moment, celebrating the pleasure of a deeeep breath. (Aside:) And when you go to sleep tonight, revel in the pleasure of a full night's sleep…(pause) no please…do it for me…(BEAT). (to audience member, as an aside:) did you get sleep last night?…how many hours? (audience member answers)…say that again (repeats) oh god, that’s so hot.
May we marvel at these bodies in all they can do and open our minds to the ways we enjoy them. Yeah, baby!
(Bump, lights out)